Mascot Volunteer
Dress as PBS39’s TeleBear! TeleBear is the mascot for the station’s Cub Club membership. TeleBear is always a big hit with the kids, receiving many hugs, fist bumps, high fives, and requests for photo ops during events. Volunteers interested in this opportunity must be around 5 feet tall, have a small build and be comfortable in confined spaces. Please email us at for more information regarding this opportunity.
If you prefer to stay OUT of the mascot suit, you can also volunteer to help "handle" the mascot. This means being TeleBear’s eyes and ears! You will be responsible for guiding TeleBear in and out of crowds and making sure TeleBear avoids obstacles that may be difficult to navigate.

If your volunteer organization is interested in being involved with Lehigh Valley Public Media and receiving volunteer needs and updates, please click here for more information on Corporate Volunteering.