Good News at PBS39 is a comprehensive program offering students a pathway to exposure, education, and hands-on experiences in the many careers related to media production/news.
Elementary School - PBS39 Mobile Production Unit School Visit
We are introducing school visits for 4th and 5th grade elementary school classes beginning Spring 2024.
These visits offer hands-on experience with production professionals demonstrating equipment used in the field, recording students for school announcements, and a Q&A session.
Middle School - PBS39 Good News Tour
Middle School classes are invited to schedule a tour of our studio and production rooms.
We will offer a discussion about career opportunities hosted by representatives from various departments followed by a Q&A session.
Students are offered a green screen experience; they may record school announcements in our studio and/or record a PBS39 Station break for broadcast.
Students will receive a media kit to promote digital storytelling.
High School - PBS39 Good News Tour
High School classes are invited to schedule a tour of our studio and production rooms. We will offer a more detailed explanation of careers and equipment.
Students are offered the opportunity to shadow and work behind the scenes to produce and record school announcements under the guidance of professional videographers, audio engineers, directors, and producers.
Students will receive a media kit to promote digital storytelling.