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Warren County Law Enforcement Announce Zero-Tolerance for Injustice

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BELVIDERE, N.J. (WLVT) - Law enforcement officers in Warren County made a statement that they will not tolerate racism and injustice, following the killing of George Floyd in police custody.

“The color of your skin should not dictate how you’re treated in the judicial system and it should never be an issue at all,” said Warren County Prosecutor, Jim Pfeiffer.

Different departments, like the Pohatcong Township Police, expressed their concern for how George Floyd was killed, and let the community know it will not be an issue in Warren County. “It didn’t sit right with us,” said Chief Scott Robb. “Unfortunately, Mr. Floyd was killed in a manner that we don’t practice here.”

Chief Robb said even though George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis officers, he recognizes people throughout the country are losing trust. “We also understand people’s feelings right now,” said Chief Robb. “The community at-large has a disbelief in us, and we ask to give us a chance and let us rebuild that trust.”

To continue showing support, officers will be walking with protestors Saturday, June 6 in Phillipsburg for a peaceful assembly. “The color of our skin may be different, but we all have to breathe,” said Pfeiffer.