S.3455, Or the "No Tik Tok on Government Devices Act" would keep the app, and all others developed by Chinese developer Bytedance from being downloaded on federal devices. The worry is the Chinese government has access to all the data collected by the app. We spoke with Scott Gingold, President of Lehigh Valley Technology Company about the security threat "It’s a concern and I know that the US government and major cyber security experts in the government, and cyber security companies like ourselves have deep concerns with tik tok"
Gingold tells us it's not just be your friends and foreign governments that might see information you're sharing. Hackers can be paying close attention too. "There might be enough Nuggets of information given that they can access your financial information, that they can access your employer information. Anything again through social engineering these bad actors are looking for nothing more than to disrupt your life and perhaps do physical harm to your family as well."