ALLENTOWN, PA - Days away from primary elections in Pennsylvania, as many voters opt to stay in, politicians are looking to get their message out before Election Day.
"The goal for me is to get positive public policy that helps the people I represent," says incumbent State Representative Peter Schweyer.
Meanwhile, his opponent, Enid Santiago explains, "I am running now because it is the right thing to do. We are not being represented in Harrisburg."
In Lehigh County, political newcomer Enid Santiago is taking on incumbent Peter Schweyer in the Democratic Primary. They’re competing for the 22nd district House seat; representing Center City Allentown and parts of East Allentown. After the School District was left out of the $5 million dollar Continuity of Education Equity Grant last month and in the midst of a pandemic, education funding remains a primary concern for both candidates where COVID-19 related school closures emphasized core issues.
"Whatever happened, needs to be fixed--they need money," Santiago tells PBS39 News Tonight reporter, K.C. Lopez, "We’re the number fourth most funded district in the state; Philly is number 16 as a comparison."
"We have immediate concerns in Allentown on things like the digital divide for our students that have technology versus the students that don’t have access to technology," says Schweyer.
Schweyer, who has represented the district since 2015 says, priorities have shifted as a result of the pandemic. The Center City Allentown native explains the economy and employment are more important than ever.
"The crisis has really, I don’t want to say changed our focus, but it’s put some things at the top of the list," Schweyer tells Lopez, "We still need to have a state government that’s investing in jobs, that’s investing in the recovery from COVID. And so, when we’re talking about things like construction jobs, whether it’s road construction that’s the kind of thing that we know can be done relatively safely within a virus situation; it puts people back to work, they’re good paying jobs and ultimately, there’s a long term public benefit to it."
Schweyer has placed emphasis on education, addressing teacher losses and funding schools while pushing for an increased minimum wage, affordable housing and partnerships between police and community watch groups to enhance public safety.
Meanwhile, Latino community organizer, Enid Santiago is zeroing in on criminal justice reform, ending cash bail for low level offenses and Pennsylvania’s “Fair Funding Formula,” and doubling down on Allentown’s status as a sanctuary city.
"I believe that the rights being provided to every single one of us out here, should be provided to our immigrant siblings; they’re no different," she explains, "They’re simply having a rougher time trying to make the American Dream and until we have an actual path to citizenship, we need to look out for them. And I have been fighting cash bail because it is the biggest inequity we see and we see it and nobody is doing enough to stop this."
The Puerto Rican born, Vice President of a women’s non-profit reentry organization and the LANTA Board member and former Allentown City councilman agree, the pandemic has created new challenges for politics, but both are eager to serve the city they call home.
"This has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life," says Santiago, "Mind you, I’ve been through the foster care system, I became a mom at the age of 15, I have been homeless. I’ve been through a lot in my life and the work that I’ve put into this campaign has really made me realize that I was preparing myself for this."
"COVID has allowed us to reframe a lot of conversations that (are) really opening up new avenues for partnerships that frankly, are unheard of," Schweyer tells Lopez, "You have to be creative in the way you approach problems and you have to look at things from multiple angles."
Without a Republican candidate in the race, the winner of this primary will likely serve the 22nd district in 2021.