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Voting By Mail: Is There Legitimate Cause for Concern?

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ALLENTOWN, Pa. (WLVT) - Carl Pervenas-Smith wasn't taking any chances.

He drove from New Tripoli to Allentown to deposit his mail-in election ballot in the drop box at the Lehigh County Government Center.

"I wanted to drop my ballot," he said. "It can't go to wrong from there."

The security of mail-in voting has been called into question, with President Donald Trump being one of the most vocal critics.

We spoke with Chris Borick, a Muhlenberg College professor and director of the school's Institute of Public Opinion.

He says there may be some misconceptions about specific incidents the president has called out, including one in Luzerne County where at least nine military ballots were recovered from the trash.

"It appears to be a mistake, rather than some kind of nefarious act of some kind of election fraud," Borick said. "All the evidence points there right now.

Tim Benyo, director of elections in Lehigh County, says as long as a ballot gets to his office, and is legitimate, it will be counted.

"A ballot gets into my office it will be counted," he said. "And the security that surrounds the ballots is in place to catch problems in fraudulent ballots, so if they were cast they wouldn't be counted. They'd be caught prior to being counted."

PBS39 spoke to several voters who used the drop box at the government center. WATCH what they had to say:


Are mail-in ballots safe from fraud and meddling?