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Allentown School District Opening New School, Rezoning Districts

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ALLENTOWN, Pa. (WLVT) - The Allentown School District (ASD) is opening a new elementary school and closing two current buildings, so they held a public meeting Wednesday to explain the redistricting process and get feedback from parents.

Cleveland and McKinley Elementary Schools will be closing, but Executive Director for Elementary Education, Scott Cole, said four other schools could be affected: Central, Jackson, Sheridan, and Ramos. “We’re trying to limit the disruption as much as possible,” said Cole. “But it is possible, for example, a student at Central may end up falling into a new zone.”

The school runs along Gordon Street between 12th and 13th Streets in Allentown. Contractors presented a virtual tour inside the nameless school, and they expect all work will be finished on time. Parents and district leaders worked in groups to talk about what programs the new school should have and what concerns parents have about the changes.

“Safety is number one,” said ASD parent, Sheila Alvarado. “You know a lot of parents have to go to work early in the morning, so the kids have to walk themselves to school, so I think having the crossing guards at the different important intersections crossing our children is very important.”

If you weren’t able to attend Wednesday’s meeting, the district created a survey in its place. Click here to visit their website and submit feedback. The district also said they plan to have more public meetings in the future.