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PBS39 Community Representation Policy Statement

PBS39 is committed to recruiting for its staff, volunteers and Board of Directors highly capable, diverse individuals who can participate in the organization effectively, ethically and creatively and who can serve as successful advocates for public service media in the community we serve. Differences in race, color, age, national origin/ancestry, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or veteran status, or any other distinguishing factors provide experiences, viewpoints and ideas that can strengthen and enrich our work environment. Our goal is to create an environment that is inclusive, respectful and equitable, and to employ the talents of people with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to accomplish the various missions of PBS39.


It is PBS39’s goal to create a diverse Board of Directors and staff that closely matches the diversity of the community it serves. As positions become available, PBS39 will actively seek a diverse pool of qualified candidates from among all groups served in its community.

 Policy Initiatives

  1. PBS39 will review with the Board of Directors those practices that are designed to fulfill the station’s commitment to diversity and to meet the applicable FCC guidelines.
  2. PBS39 will complete an annual report describing the station’s diversity efforts. Included will be the station’s hiring goals, guidelines, employment statistics for the station and surrounding area, a list of all full and part-time positions hired and any actions taken to support the Diversity Statement of PBS39. This report will be posted on our website.
  3. PBS39 will implement formal diversity training programs for management and appropriate staff.

 PBS39 will complete at least one (1) of the following initiatives annually

  1. Include individuals representing diverse groups in internships or work-study programs designed to provide meaningful professional level experience in order to reflect the diversity of the communities we serve and further public broadcasting’s commitment to education;
  2. If available, include qualified diverse candidates in any slate of candidates for the Board of Directors;
  3. Provide diversity training for the Board of Directors on an annual basis; or
  4. Participate in minority or other diversity job fairs.